Games: Wiki with a List of Games in SL
Here is a list of many in-world Second Life games. Need something new to try out in SL? Check out the Game SLave Wiki.
Here is an article about businesses jumping into Second Life. It includes video (look for yourselves in the background) of the SLCC 06.
My friend Loas Wood setup the first grid marketing site in SL.
Here is an article describing NOAA's presence in SL. Another big government agency takes the plunge.
Hi All,
The game Gold Rush is similar to that Oregon Trail game we all had to play in middle or high school. This is a great use of SL for I'd guess about the high school level.
Just to show that Second Life is a global phenomenon check out this link to a Spanish newspaper's article on Second Life.
Here is a link to a few videos about Second Life that appeared recently on CBS News's website. If you get through the first video if is followed by another that consist of an interview with the founder of The Electric Sheep Company, which is very active in Second Life. Worth a peak.
It cost $150 per 25 custom avatar accounts to be created in Second Life by Linden Labs. All they need a spread sheet of email addresses and passwords to give each account. Plus they can give the accounts customized last names.